The price of a teacup Pomeranian can vary widely based on several factors, including breeder reputation, geographic location, pedigree, and the unique characteristics of the puppy itself. Typically, these small and sought-after dogs are considered quite expensive due to their popularity and the breeding practices required to achieve their small size.
On average, a teacup Pomeranian might cost anywhere from $1,000 to $6,500, with some breeders charging even more for puppies with a particularly desirable lineage or distinctive features. It’s not uncommon for high-demand puppies from well-known breeders to be priced at the upper end of this range or higher.
Before deciding to purchase a teacup Pomeranian, it’s important to consider the potential health issues associated with smaller dog breeds, which can include problems like hypoglycemia, heart defects, and bone fragility. These health concerns can also lead to higher medical costs over the lifespan of the dog. Additionally, prospective buyers should ensure they are dealing with reputable breeders who prioritize the health, well-being, and ethical treatment of their dogs.