How to Get Rid of Pomeranian’s Tear Stains

Do you own a Pomeranian and struggle with those unsightly tear stains? You’re not alone. Pomeranian tear stains can be a common issue for pet owners, causing frustration and concern. But have you ever wondered why these tear stains occur and how to effectively remove them?

Tear stains on Pomeranians are dark brown discolorations that can appear under their eyes and around their face. They occur due to tears, mucus, saliva, and secretions from the eyes, which contain an iron ingredient that leads to staining. While tear stains can be caused by various factors such as allergies, eyelash and eyelid problems, cornea injuries, blocked or narrow tear ducts, and eye infections, there are effective solutions to clear them up.

How To Prevent Tear Stains

I have tried numerous tear stain remover products for my Pomeranian in the past, but they only cleaned the tear stains and did not address the root of the problem.

I suspected that it could be due to allergies to certain types of food, so I decided to switch my Pomeranian’s diet to see if the tear stains persist.

After experimenting with many types and brands of dog food over the years, I found that switching from kibble food to fresh food is the best solution.

I only feed my Pomeranian Freshpet, and the results have been remarkable. My Pomeranian no longer has any tear stains, and I have removed the old stains using eye cleaning wipes. I no longer have to clean them because my dog no longer has tear stains.

So, I am confident that Freshpet has solved the problem of tear stains for my Pomeranian.

Cara Nguyen

Cara Nguyen is a former pet broker who used to specialize in finding the perfect Pomeranian puppies for well-known celebrities and over 500 families across the US. Now, she is turning her lifelong passion into a blog where fellow Pom lovers can find a treasure trove of advice, stories, and tips for all things Pomeranian-related.

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